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The latest reviews from local writers on the dining scene

Bhansa Ghar - chicken dum biryani (Gastronomic SLC)

Since our last recap – over in the City Weekly – Alex Springer has written up experiences of six restaurants; namely Shawarma Shack (SLC), Matteo (SLC), Enrico’s Deli (West Jordan), Rouser (SLC), Beijing Restaurant (Sugar House), and Bhansa Ghar (South Salt Lake). Two of those names featured among my own personal dining highlights of last year. Check out my own musings on both the fabulous South Asian cooking at Bhansa Ghar and that gargantuan pastrami sandwich at Enricco’s.

Ted Scheffler in Utah Stories makes it four with write-ups with stories on Stacked Sandwich Co (Park City), Himalayan Kitchen (SLC), Bambara (SLC), and Aker (SLC). I’ve been hearing great things over and over about new Bambara chef JV Hernandez. One to watch this year.

SLUG Mag have a duo of pieces from both Joni Bianca checking out ROCTACO (SLC), and Christian Ledek who runs the rule over Ramen Ichizu (SLC).

Valerie Phillips offers up this great piece on Patty Shack – detailing the secrets to their success (hint: keep it simple stupid). Phillips also writes up O Town Eats (Ogden). Town Lift detail Encanto (Park City) while Park Record despatch Katie Hatzfeld to check out La Stellina (Deer Valley).

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