While undertaking some site maintenance I realized we have recently passed 100 reviews (107 to be precise). WOW! From Salt Lake City to Park City, eating everywhere from fine dining to food carts through to take out food.
I’d like to thank all the contributors to the site over the years – without them the site certainly wouldn’t be what it is today. Also many thanks to the restaurants and PR people who have offered up news, freebies and prizes to our readers. GSLC started back in October 2007 and it’s been a fun journey so far. Here is to the next 100 reviews! For a full alphabetical list of all our reviews please see:
The picture by the way is The Copper Onion’s Sauteed Mushrooms (fried farm egg, potato sticks, pickled carrot relish, $8). I tried to think of what dish I’ve enjoyed the most over the years, and while there are certainly too many to name one, that dish sprang to my mind first. It’s one of the best for sure.
Hi, I’m Stuart, nice to meet you! I’m the founder, writer and wrangler at Gastronomic SLC. I’m a multiple-award winning journalist and have written in myopic detail about the Salt Lake City dining scene for the better part of seventeen years.
I’ve worked extensively with multiple local publications from Visit Salt Lake to Salt Lake Magazine, not least helped to consult on national TV. Pause those credits, yep, that’s me! I’m also a former restaurant critic of more than five years, working for the Salt Lake Tribune. I’m largely fueled by a critical obsession with rice, alliteration and the use of big words I don’t understand. What they’re saying about me: “Not inaccurate”, “I thought he was older”, “I don’t share his feelings”.
Want to know more? This is why I am the way I am.
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