Ryan Lowder
Ryan Lowder is a chef and restaurateur located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Inspired by a an apprenticeship under Mother’s Bistro’s Lisa SchroederLower formally trained at the Culinary Institute of America in New York, which in turn led an externship at Restaurant Jean-Georges and ultimately, a full-time position at the 3-star Michelin restaurant.
Lowder went on to cook abroad in Barcelona and Columbia before retuning to NYC and the Mario Batali group, before launching his own successful Catalan restaurant.
Lowder ultimately returned to Utah and opened the now iconic Copper Onion in 2010. The success of the flagship restaurant led to Plum Alley, Copper Common, Copper Kitchen and The Daily.
In recent times Lowder has begun offering hospitality consultancy services under the Plowshare Partners outfit.