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Weekly round-up 04/11/08

salt lake tribune

First up the Salt Lake Tribune, Vanessa Chang heads up to Bountiful for Marcello’s Ristorante Italiano. From Vanessa’s review it seems the restaurant provides perfectly fine, standard Italian fare. Service appears to be a little on the inexperienced side, that is tempered by fair looking prices.

I did note a curious element to the Tribune’s review system. Even though Vanessa was largely full of praise, she awarded only 1.5 our of 4 stars. I initially construed this as Vanessa trying to communicate the restaurant was sub par. On closer inspection it seems the Tribune’s lowest rating of 1 star equates to “Good”. If you are reviewed by the Tribune, you are guaranteed at least a “Good” rating it would appear, how odd.

Marcello’s Ristorante Italiano: 375 N Main St. Bountiful, UT 84010

Deseret Morning News

Stacey Kratz of the Deseret Morning News checks out Left Fork Grill. The first and last time I head about Left Fork Grill was in the Salt Lake Tribune. The Tribune review focused on the pie offerings, Stacey concentrates on the savory Lunch options. Indeed Left Fork Grill only opens for lunch.

Left Fork Grill: 68 W 3900 S Salt Lake City, UT 84107

city weekly

Finally in the City Weekly, Ted Scheffler riffs on the theme of the Salt Lake ‘Dine-o-Round’, which is almost here. Going around the valley Ted picks favourite items from various popular eateries. Ankimo from Takashi, Duck Confit from The Paris, Kobe from The Metropolitan and so forth, the list goes on.

Speaking of the ‘Dine-o-Round‘, has anyone ever tried this? For those who don’t know, the idea is for a group of downtown restaurants to provide a three course set menu for either $15 or $30 per person (most being $30). Personally the idea never appealed, I’d much rather pick what I want to eat. Not to mention $30 at most places doesn’t really seem like a bargain.

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2 thoughts on “Weekly round-up 04/11/08”

  1. The four print options (Tribune, Deseret, City Weekly, In Utah) for restaurant reviews in SLC are all dismal in comparison to your site. Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Bridger. I really like to blather on about restaurants. It’s excellent to know I’m not putting everyone to sleep with the long-winded rambling.

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