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Breakfast, lunch, and dinner – what the local food press has been writing about

Felt Bar & Eatery (Gastronomic SLC)

Starting with Slug Mag, Addison Austin-Lou, has this profile piece on sushi expert Peggi Ince-Whiting. Addison’s piece dives into the career of Ince-Whiting, who formally trained in Japan before working at a number of top quality spots here in Utah. She presently helms the sushi bar at Kyoto in SLC.

Over in the Salt Lake Magazine, Katie Hatzfeld looks at SLC popup dining experiences while Mallory Iverson talks Farm To Fork and Ashley Christenson details the bespoke hot ones experience at Pirate O’s.

Lydia Martinez pens four pieces on local names this month, namely Uncle Jeffi’s, Frankie & Essl’s, Oquirrh, and Felt Bar & Eatery. As a reminder, you can read my complete intro to this fine Main Street spot over in this story from a few weeks back.

In Utah Stories Ted Scheffler heads on over to House Of Corn, Wildwood, Ika Sushi, and Koyote, while also rounding up a variety of noodle spots. Heather King dishes up the best patio-served burgers and bakeries, while Erin Dixon skips between brewpubs at the SLC airport.

City Weekly’s Alex Springer takes in a quartet checking out Bonnie & Clyde’s, Noodlehead, Roux, and House Of Corn; the latter of which is picking up all the press innches this month. Case in point, here’s some more coverage over on Good Things Utah.

Valerie Phillips writes about the 95-year-young Bert’s Cafe while Axios Kim Bojórquez briefly recaps visits to Bonnie & Clyde’s and 98K Fried Chicken. Lastly, Gitanjali Poonia in the Deseret News makes a pointed reply to comments made in the press recently about Indian food in Utah. Allow me to add one more to the pile for your consideration as well – Bhansa Ghar.

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