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Market Street $50 gift card giveaway

To celebrate the Market Street group of restaurants Crab Festival, we are excited to have a $50 gift card, free for one lucky reader.

First a little word about this tasty annual event though. The Market Street Crab Festival begins January 12 at all Market Street locations and runs through the end of February, offering five different kinds of crab served at least a dozen different ways. Along with mouthwatering Dungeness crab from Oregon, there is Alaska King Crab, Maryland Lump Crab, Snow Crab, and Rock Crab. It’s truly the time for enjoying crab, no matter which variety you prefer.

For diners who love sweet Dungeness crabmeat, they will find this year’s catch especially succulent. According to Nick Furman, Director of the Oregon Crab Commission, “The Oregon Dungeness crab season’s got off to a roaring start with 10 million pounds of the prized crustacean crossing the docks already, and we’re only at the beginning of the harvest.” He added: “The quality’s been excellent so far. The Dungeness are full of meat and larger than usual in some areas of the coast.”

Quality and bounty are also hallmarks of this year’s Alaska King Crab harvest. Claudia Hogue, Foodservice Marketing Director of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, says, “Alaska fisherman braved the icy water of the North Pacific and Bering Sea to harvest a wonderful catch of Alaska King Crab, timed to ensure optimum quality and sustainability. No other shellfish makes quite the impression of Alaska King Crab which is unmatched for its sweet flavor and rich texture. Alaska Crab delivers on the ‘wow’ factor.”

Market Street diners can enjoy menu choices featuring crab in appetizers, salads, and entrees with selections like Crab Ravioli, Maryland Lump Crab Cakes, Three Crab Combination (with King, Snow and Dungeness), Market Street’s Famous Large Alaska Red King Crab Legs, and a 6-Ounce Center Cut Filet King Crab Oscar – to name just a few of the delicious crab menu specials.

To put your name in the hat for the $50 gift card, all you need to do is complete the following sentence:

“Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is…”

Post your answer as a comment on this story, at the bottom of the page. We will pick a random winner next weekend. Good luck!

Market Street Grill & Market Street Oyster Bar
2985 East 6580 South, 942-8860
48 West Market Street, 322-4668
10702 South River Front Parkway ~ 302-2262

Market Street Broiler
260 South 1300 East, 583-8808


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51 thoughts on “Market Street $50 gift card giveaway”

  1. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is to stress out less about cooking, cleaning, etc. Eating out would definitely help with that!

  2. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is not to make silly resolutions. When change is needed, change. When it isn’t, don’t.

  3. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is to go to a spin class at the gym at least once this year. I am terrified of them. Also, to not ever eat at a fast food restaurant.

  4. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is to can and store more fresh fruits and vegetables so I eat healthier (and live more environmentally friendly) in 2010.

  5. Now that is is 2010, my new years resolution is to eat healthier, exercise more consistantly, and continue date nights with wife.

  6. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is to get my food photography business up and running! I can take photos on my trip to market street and post them to your blog! 🙂

  7. My new years resolutions are to go to more SL Bees games and to continue to kick ass. I think this gift certificate will help me with the latter (but not the former).

  8. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is spend more time with our 2 year old and less at work. Play more games, tickle more, trips to the zoo, park and maybe even introduce her to crab!

  9. Now that it is 2010, I resolve to focus my dining choices on quality over quantity, regardless of the the style, price-range, or perception.

  10. I can’t wait for eating delicious lobster and crab dipped in butter and dripping with lemon juice.
    Market Street Restaurants are on the money….
    They’ve maintained quality through the years.

  11. Now that it is 2010, my new years resolution is to eat my body weight in crab before the end of February. This gift card would be helpful.

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