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Happy holidays everyone

A big thank you to all who have visited the site, subscribed via RSS or commented over the last year. 2008 was the first proper year of Gastronomic Salt Lake City. Since the start of the year our page views have more than quadrupled. In November we almost saw 30,000. Every comment, subscriber and email really means a lot. Whether you agree with our reviews or not, I’m continually thrilled by the fact that so many people return to read and join in.

As for 2008 and food, we have been lucky to have mostly enjoyed routinely good meals over the year in SLC. I can recount our bad experiences on one hand. And despite the economic slow down, 2009 seems set to have potential for another good year, with interesting restaurants such as Wild Grape Bistro and Meditrina still opening their doors.

For me, my favourite meal of the year was at Bar Charlie in Las Vegas. Here in Salt Lake City the Tin Angel Cafe continued to impress me, while my older long standing favourite Kyoto remains a familiar and dependable haunt.

So what have been the highlights of your culinary year been? I won’t ask about your new year resolutions, as like me, I’m sure they become nothing more than good intentions by January 2nd 🙂

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1 thought on “Happy holidays everyone”

  1. Takashi continues to be the highlight of SLC for me. It’s one of the few places in town more than worthy of a one hour wait. That place keeps getting better.

    The new restaurants that have been opening at the end of this year are seriously promising, especially Meditrina. It definitely fills a hole, I just hope that people find out about it.

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