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Baxter’s American

After several days with no Internet connection, what do I come back online to today. Baxter’s American in the depot has closed! Oh noes! We thought Baxter’s was a great restaurant with bags of potential. It seems the local dining population didn’t make the journey down there enough. I wonder who will be brave enough to move into the ill fated spot next.

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2 thoughts on “Baxter’s American”

  1. Oh that is bad news. I really liked that place. I think part of the problem was no exterior signage. The casual observer walking or driving by would be hard pressed to realize there was a restaurant tucked in there.

  2. Due to it’s location, Baxter’s became our pre-depot show location to eat at. I wonder if other people filed it away under a similar idea. Apart from our review meal, I don’t think we ever went there apart from when we were going to see a show.

    I’m with you on the signage and location too I think. I could see them succeeding in several other neighbourhood loctaions around SLC.

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