First up this week, the Salt Lake Chowhounds head to the usually dependable Mazza. Take-out is the order of the day and things don’t go too well. I have had similar experiences at other usually fine establishments, maybe they think once your out the door with your box, you won’t be back to complain.
I’m looking forward to the Chowhounds next review, they are off to Tiburon. It’s been sometime since I have been there or indeed seen any reviews. I’m excited to see how the place is faring these days.
Mazza: 1515 S 1500 E, Salt Lake City, UT
Ted Scheffler of the City Weekly heads up to Deer Valley for a weekend of freebies. Now call me a cynic (and most people do) but wasn’t Ted rallying against the celebrity/excess of Chef Dance a few weeks back? I think he was just upset he wasn’t invited. Anyway, this week Ted leads us on a decadent weekend he managed to score as a local celebrity himself. Nice work if you can get it for sure.
Ted’s jaunt takes him up to Deer Valley where he experiences Deer Valley’s Fireside Dining, Deer Valley’s Seafood Buffet and a burger at Royal Street Café. Ted seems very impressed with all the dining but I’m not entirely sold. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure if I received a $60 free seafood buffet I’d be less critical myself, but no flaws at all? And $60 for a buffet, I don’t think you could convince me of that in a million years. I’d just head down to Park City and spend half that on a killer entree.
It was only in last week’s round-up that Salt Lake Chow Hounds covered Pizzeria 712. Maybe I am way off, but it doesn’t seem like total co-incidence to me that this week Vanessa Chang of the Salt Lake Tribune also heads out to Orem. When she mentions “perhaps most extraordinarily to foodies and people proud of SLC’s burgeoning restaurant culture, Pizzeria 712 is located in Orem.”. Burgeoning restaurant culture? foodies? Hey Vanessa, if you do read our sites (Chowhounds, ASKSLC, Gastronomic SLC), why not give us all a mention in your publication. Competition is healthy right. Go on!
Anyway Vanessa agrees in full with the Chow Hounds review, in fact she waxes lyrical. From the appetizers, to the pizza to the dessert. Everything seems first class.
Pizzeria 712: 320 S. State Street, Orem
Stacey Kratz of the Desert Morning News checks out El Rey Del Pollo. The review had my mouth watering for the most part, I’m a sucker for great chicken. This is the first I have heard of El Rey Del Pollo, so if anyone has any personal experience of the place, I’d love to hear more.
El Rey Del Pollo: 760 Fort Union Blvd, Midvale, UT 84047
And that completes this weeks round-up. Our own review this week is just a teensy bit delayed and should be live tonight or tomorrow.

Hi, I’m Stuart, nice to meet you! I’m the founder, writer and wrangler at Gastronomic SLC. I’m a multiple-award winning journalist and have written in myopic detail about the Salt Lake City dining scene for the better part of seventeen years.
I’ve worked extensively with multiple local publications from Visit Salt Lake to Salt Lake Magazine, not least helped to consult on national TV. Pause those credits, yep, that’s me! I’m also a former restaurant critic of more than five years, working for the Salt Lake Tribune. I’m largely fueled by a critical obsession with rice, alliteration and the use of big words I don’t understand. What they’re saying about me: “Not inaccurate”, “I thought he was older”, “I don’t share his feelings”.
Want to know more? This is why I am the way I am.
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