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Felt Bar & Eatery - beef tartare with bone marrow

Time for my monthly collection jar speech if you’ll allow me the floor for two minutes. We’re now 25% of the way to ensuring an ad-free future on the website! As a reminder, the tumult of third-party ads vanished from GSLC back in March, and hopefully, you’ve been enjoying the much-improved reading experience ever since.

Should you wish to pop a few dollars into the “please for the love of all that’s holy don’t bring them back” fund – the cost is five dollars per month. Think of it as buying me a McRib meal once per month. You can subscribe and support the site via the following Patreon page:

This article may contain content provided by one of our paid partners. These are some of the best businesses in Utah. For a list of all our current and past relationships see our partnership history page.

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